jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

How was this blog experience for me?

This wasn't my first blog experience...I have done it before... always as a school or university work... but I have to say that ... this was the first time I enjoyed to wrote one... and I thing the reason was that I'm an English fan or something...jajaja... and also... cause all the different topics that we must to talk about... and the variety of them... remember your early days... wrote about your passion or hobbies... give an opinion of something or someone...etc..
Mmmmm.... if I have to choose which was my favorite post... mmmm... I don't really know which one was... they were all fun to do... but maybe I would choose the one call  "A photograph "...and I choose this one... cause every time I see this picture... I remember my friends...and how much fun we have together ... on stage...or out of it...


And of course... I have my least favorite post... and I think it was my very first post... about a book I recommend... and the reason is ...cause that was the first time I have to write something... in English on the internet... and it has been a long time since I have written something in English...jajaj
The blog I most enjoyed reading... was the one call "Chocolate from a shop"... of Wai Yan ...even when I can't do comments on her blog ( I really don't know why?)... I liked the things she talk about... and also the blog designee... it is like an elegant and female designee...

About this language learning tool...I think it was phenomenal... at first I wasn't that shore about it... but now I can realize ... I'm faster English writer now... and it's easier to do it too... and also it's easier to  understand when someone is speaking English to me...
 I have a lot of fun... and I learn one of the languages I most like... the English language... thanks for everything Simon ... =)!

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

A TV Show (I watched as a child)

When I was a kid i remember saw a lot of T.V shows with my sister...but i don't have a really good memory... but there's one that i do remember and it was call "The Magic School Bus"...
I started to watch it when i was like 6 years old on Nickelodeon ... well i used to watch all the shows on Nick... but i remember this one...because i learned a lot about everything .... The main plot was about  the adventures of Ms. Frizzle and her class of eight children who are on board of a magic school bus excursion... that can lead them into the solar system, the center of land or within a human body, or any other trip that in real life is totally impossible...The show originated on U.S and Canada ... and kept rolling till 2008 on Latin America...
I used to watch it after school and also on weekends... and there is one chapter i remember and it was call "The human body- immune system"... and they get in the human body trying to looking for a illness... and i learn so much things about it... and it was a fun way to do it...here i let you a part of the total chapter ... enjoyed... =)

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

A video i like...

History of Rap ( Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake)

I saw this video last week and i liked it a lot... it's a little bit funny and is entertained... and also remember past times ...when i was little... I hope you enjoyed ... and there are more videos like this... you can search it on youtube ... =)

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? (coments)

This monologue was very interesting... the creativity echoes has been always a theme of conversation nowadays... I'm personally agree with all the comments that Ken has made... One of them is the fact that "creativity now... is as important in education... as literacy..." and when we grow up... this interesting  capability is lost in time... My mother told me that when I was a child... and before I've got a sister... I used to have an imaginary friend or some thing like that... and when my sister born... my imaginary friend was replaced whit her... I always remember that I liked to build "houses" and  create new games and histories with her... and I have to admit that my imagination was  faster and more diverse back then...

 Something else that caught my attention was when he mentioned another fact that happened to me... when you are good at something like art...or music...or dance...and you really enjoy doing it... people used to say that you'll  never be successful doing that  in future... I had a personal experience on that... when I was on school my teachers and parents realized that I was good playing instruments and also drawing or painting... so my father tell my that he would bought me a keyboard but that I must to know that it will be only a hobby... then I grow up a little and I start dancing... I teachers said to my parents that I was talented ... so my mom help me to find a dancing company so I can do what I like... When my father found out he goes so mad... and he told me that I only must to study on school... and be worried about my future and things like that... he said that I must to have good grades if I want to keep on doing that... so that's what I do...and on my first presentation he went to see me... and a few days later he said you can work doing that if you like it so much... and that was the first time he realized that dancing was ok and that if you put all your heart on something you can do it well...

 Nowadays I am an architect student and also a hip hop dancer student... but I also being teaching  hip hop dance... and now my father always tell me that I must work doing that instead of being an architect... that I enjoyed much more... But you know what ... I enjoyed both of theme as equally ... I have two ways to express my self... and tow ways to help or entertain people...