jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015


Today’s talk it´s going to be about  how much do I care about the planet  and how big my carbon footprint is ?

For being honest I’m not that much care about the planet cause I´ve always been thinking that I can do more for it, but I must to say that all my life I been taking, little but not least, actions and thoughts about it; and I´m talking about being aware or just have conscience that the earth is alive, that plants are alive and  not everyone remember that, or even considerate that they just assume plants only work for us like giving us shelter in summer, food , a clean air and there is a bunch of other stuff  they do. One of the simplest thing I have always done is never, ever throw garbage to the floor, and yea maybe you must think that is the stupidest thing but let me tell you that if you throw a plastic bag and no one ever pick it up, it would take at least 150 years to degrade.

Some other thing I do is taking short showers, recycle old papers for using them latter (any kind), I don´t smoke (that´s good for me, for the other people and for the planet), I always try to use public transport (it supposedly it´s less contaminant than cars)…. But for being honest I don’t think that I do much, I mean I do easy things that almost everyone does, but I’m   working on it by trying to learn about sustainable architecture design so I can apply that to my future job, that way I would help people with their energy bills and the planet by don´t exhausting natural resource.

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