jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015


Known how to speak, listen or even write in English, as a second language, for me at least, means a lot. This simple tool makes easier to understand and communicate to the world, cause as we all know English became in to a universal language.
At first, when I was little I wasn´t that much interested, till I start to understand the importance of known in it, and how nice pronunciation sounds, I love it hahaha….  So I took it as a challenge and here I am.

Something that i´ve always done is watching movies in the original language, almost every music I hear is in English, and something that I´m good at it is that I have good listening memory for this; So what usually happens to me  is that I know how to speak better than writing. So that´s something I´ve been practicing a lot on this Blogg classes. It use to take me the whole class write like 150 words; and  now I finish earlier and is not that hard cause I start to realize that all we must to do for writing is thinking in English… maybe that sound weird for some of you… but that´s what happens to me anyway.

About my weakness I must say that it`s a little bit hard for me to remember, or better said, to use wisely  the time verbs, I usually makes mistakes with that cause I mix present and past in one sentence. Obviously I ´ve been getting better but is something that´s hard for me.

The pronunciation part is not that hard for me, cause as I said before I have a good listening memory and this class makes me loose more and be more fluid when I´m speaking….

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