jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


My topic today is going be “Halloween”… as we are close to October 31 I think is a nice thing to talk about….
I personally love this holiday, and I do it at my way I guess, cause is not something about the real mining of this days …  “It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers” (Wikipedia definition)

I enjoy the films that go on tv, the scary one and with cartoon, I like the costume parties, and I also enjoy give candies to kids cause when I look at them I remember when I was little and every time this holidays were coming it made me feel really anxious for the “trick or treat” adventure.

About the type of movies that I like to watch is something more like cartoon thing, and it´s a different to regular cartoon movies, I like the stop motion films, and I don´t really know why , but I like them. A few movies that I remember now that I watch in this holidays are:

Have you ever seen any of this films?

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


This is really interesting thing to do, making plans for summer vacations, but it turns out that i´m not good doing it, because every time I try it, something happens and the trip is delated or cancel. I don´t know why, but it happens to me.

So what I really do is start to think first how do I feel, something like, I need to sleep, I need to rest, or I have so much energy that I want to party and travel a lot. Then when I finally get it, I decide with who and where I want to go.

If you ask me today well I feel with energy so I think I will like to go travel to another country maybe, with my family and a friend; but the thing is that I’m out of money, so I would probably go to my grandma´s beach house to get rest and travel near places with my family, and in some moment go there with my friends and sister just to having fun with they just like we like to do, dancing and laughing and eating like if is the end of the world  XD…. I think that will be a great summer time with great stories to tell…


By far my best holiday time happened on September 2013, I took a holiday trip to the south of Chile with a few members of my family , that includes my grandmother, my aunt , a friend an my friend´s mother.

We took an airplane in Santiago and we went straight to the Patagonia, our first stop was in Puerto Natales, and I personally loved it cause it´s a beautiful small town, which is awesome because you can go everywhere just walking. Also the people there is really nice, I felt a really warm welcome there. The weather it´s pretty much as it is regular in the Patagonia, cold and windy.

Then we went to visit La Cueva del Milodón (Milodon´s cave), something i´ve ever wanted to do seems I was very young cause I’m a fan of archeology. This place is a huge rock cave,that creates with the melting of the glaciers that exist there million years ago.

Finally our trip finished in EL Glaciar de Perito Moreno ( Perito Moreno Glacier) in  Argentina. It was beautiful cause you can get really close to the glacier, and you can see and heard the din when a few parts of the glacier break off.
This was a memorable holiday trip, and the best part is that I spent more time whit my grandmother, I recommend you to visit this incredible landscapes if some day you have the chance. 

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015


As an architect student I feel really attract by almost every place in the world, every place has their own identity and also their own landscapes. But my whole life I have been attractive by Egypt, as the meaning of being our civilization nest, it contains the most amassing architectural monuments of the world. This astounding civilization is located in southwest corner of Asia, on the Sahara desert.

As my favorite iconic monuments we have the Giza Necropolis and its Great Sphinx, as well the ruins of Memphis, Thebes, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings. I can´t even imagine how they create this amassing and beautiful sculptures and buildings, and for been honest I don´t believe that they were made by aliens or something like that, but I do believe that this people have the ability, the mind and their very own strong believes, that makes them get this through.

An forthably I have never get the chance to visit Egypt, but when I get the money I won´t think it twice and I´ll take the first plane to get there the soonest I can.